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How to Enroll Your Child to a Class?

Welcome to Kindergarten

Solid School kindergarten was established in 1990 and within the span of few years, we have become a name that symbolizes care and quality education for the tiny tots. With SOLID SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN, your child gets the opportunity to develop optimally in a safe, trusted and loving environment. In a homely atmosphere, we stimulate natural curiosity and give your child individual attention. It’s a place where your child feels safe & secure while exploring, discovering and learning more about the world.

The curriculum’s core skills and values emphasize problem solving skills, critical inquiry and research along with intellectual curiosity and social responsibility. Children can start at the age of two and stay with us until the age of five.

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Our Motto

Commitment to educate and nurture all students so they may grow towards responsible global citizenship

To deliver academic excellence and create inspiring places for children and young people to learn and grow into confident individuals.

Thrive to create a community of lifelong learners, responsible global citizens, and champions of our own success.

To render a learning community dedicated to building respectful and responsible citizens and empowering all learners.


Our Programs

Play Group

Playgroups at Solid School Kindergarten allow parents to introduce their children to a range of activities they may not do at home


Playgroups at Solid School Kindergarten allow parents to introduce their children to a range of activities they may not do at home


We believe that Children must be provided with support and experiences which will help them to develop a positive sense of themselves and of others.

Our Facilities


Our Activities


Our comprehensive preschool program takes a developmental approach to learning. The curriculum emphasizes nature, creativity, and hands-on learning with gentle guidance provided by the teachers. Children focus on activities that align with their interests, which develops independence and natural curiosity. Our formulation of daily and weekly routines, as well as the cozy atmosphere of the classroom, creates a “home-like” environment for the students. Our programs emphasize on exploration, these programs focus on the importance of community and self-expression.


Solid School Kindergarten understands the importance of nature conservation and strives the infuse the knowledge of nature into the kids. Kids learn best when engaging all their senses. With gardening, kids can touch and feel the dirt, seeds and flowers, see the vibrant colors and varied sizes of the plants, hear the sound of the vegetable when it is taken from the plant and smell the amazing scents of the flowers. Allowing all the senses to be involved helps kids understand and grasp the concept of gardening along with all the math and scientific concepts that go along with it.


Sports develop the physical as well as mental strength in students. Daily physical exercise is essential for students because exercise not only helps students to stay healthy, but it also helps to improve their emotional fitness. The enhancement of physical and mental development of children is certainly the most important contribution of sports for children. Solid School Kindergarten understands the importance of physical activities hence we are equipped with all amenities required for the perfect physical development of our students.


Arts provide many opportunities for students to demonstrate their skills through authentic performance. The arts enable children to grow in confidence and learn how to think positively about themselves and learning. Arts education helps foster a positive culture and climate in schools. Arts education helps make learning matter to students by giving them a medium to connect new knowledge to personal experiences and express what they have learned to others.

What The Parents Say