Our Services


Solid dental clinic has an expertise in root canal treatment and has successfully restored numerous smiles. Teeth and molars consist of a crown and a root. The crown is the part that is visible above the gum; the root is anchored in the jaw below.


In some cases your teeth need a restoration, for example after a broken tooth / molar or large cavities. It is often no longer possible to place a filling or facing in such cases, a porcelain crown is the solution.


Solid Dental Clinic recommends you a visit to the dentist whenever you witness any signs of gum disease which include bad breathe, red, swollen and bleeding gums, mouth sores, receding gum line, pus seeping from the gums and teeth that seem to be loose.


We are happy to see you and your little ones in our clinics. We work hard to make each dental visit fun and kid-oriented, because we believe that positive dental experiences during childhood builds a foundation of good oral health, and need not be a scary experience for your child.


Dental implants are artificial screws made of titanium or zirconium oxide that connect the jawbone and a dental restoration like a crown or denture.Implants are also used to fix dentures (so-called click dentures). An implant is made of titanium or zirconium and is accepted by the jawbone and surrounding gums.


With us, you won’t even notice you ever had cavities at all without those old fashioned amalgam or silver fillings of the past. Solid Dental Clinic’s tooth-colored fillings cosmetic dentistry services make an enormous improvement to the aesthetic beauty of your teeth.

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