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Our Programme

Play Group

Playgroups at Solid School Kindergarten allow parents to introduce their children to a range of activities they may not do at home. It’s also a safe way for parents to allow their children to engage socially with other people and try new things. Parents can broaden their social network, meeting other parents with children in the same age group. It allows children to develop their social skills at their own pace, and this usually occurs between the ages of one to three. From an emotional point of view, play groups strengthen the relationship between the child and their carer, because it creates a shared experience.


At Solid School Kindergarten Children benefit immensely from mixing with other children, learning through play and interaction, which means they are better prepared when it comes to starting school. They will also have greater social skills and be ready to take instructions from adults because they have developed confidence in relating to them already. Direct experience, through play, is also one of the most important ways of learning & developing for children. Emotional development is formed by building relationships, turn taking, listening, following instructions and children learn to be strong and independent.


We believe that Children must be provided with support and experiences which will help them to develop a positive sense of themselves and of others. Solid School Kindergarten provides this by ensuring there’s support for children’s emotional well-being to help them to know themselves and what they can do. Social techniques learned during early play and nursery experiences for example: taking turns, sharing, forming friendships, playing well with others & problem-solving all form the foundation for later relationships with family members, friends and co-workers.
