

Games & Sports

  • 23 jan 2023
  • admin

A person who regularly plays sports develops a healthy body, develops better body strength and better coordination. Sport teaches children the important lesson of team-spirit and it gives them the experience of working with different kinds of people in different situations.


Clubs & Society

  • 23 jan 2023
  • admin

There are a wide variety of clubs and activities in Solid School available for students to join. Clubs and activities are a great way to find where you belong in your high school social community and to find your niche among students with similar interests and goals. This is a club where you can analyze and present historic artistic masterpieces and hold discussions on the subject of art history.



  • 23 jan 2023
  • admin

Typically, co-curricular activities are carried out outside the normal classrooms but they supplement academic curriculum and help in learning by doing. These activities help students to develop problem-solving, reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, and collaborative abilities. Every activity in school life plays a significant role in development of students.

Latest News / Update

If you are encountering any difficulty during this Pandemic Helpline No:+91 77200 50066 from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM on Working Days.
Online admission form are now available on our website. Click website link and fill all details.
All students are informed prior to the commencement of the online classes