

Welcome to Our Kids Kindergarten

The years a child spends at a Nursery and Pre-primary school are some of the most impressionable years of his/her life. The right environment and support can help to build a happy future for the child. Our spacious classrooms are bright and airy, and provide the children with ample room for all the activities our nursery offers. Our Philosophy is to make children feel loved and cared for, by giving Unconditional love and acceptance. Our curriculum is designed to boost their self-esteem while creating an environment that gives each child, strong roots to grow and wings to fly.

The School is Associated With

  • Children Play Group
  • Kidzze
  • MiKids - English with Phonics.

Our Mission

To create a rock solid foundation for the kids so that they become a person of dignity, knowledge and compassion.

Our Vision

To create a nation which comprises of individuals made up of values, vision and valor.
