


Dr. Indrajit G

" Free The Child’s Potential And You Will Transform Him Into The World."

Dear Parents,
Education is not just about the subjects that are learnt and taught in school. Becoming educated is not restricted to being in school and then in college, gathering certificates and feeling proud of oneself. Children are at the heart of all that we do; by carefully nurturing, we encourage, confident, happy learners who are excited about the world they live in.This way, they are free to explore and observe the environment and use the learning resources to enhance their understanding, imagination and creativity. Our school represents a cross section of the society and is a rich blanket of multi-cultural diversity. Children come to us from varied cultural, social, racial and religious backgrounds.

Within school they learn to live together as one big family, regardless of their roots and create newer and stronger bonds with each other that will last them a life time. We give impetus to an engaging pedagogy and exciting stimuli, sensorial exposure, free play that involves thinking, opportunities for hands-on-learning experiences, playing with three-dimensional objects, imaginative and role play, social play with peers, self initiated play, play that involve arms and legs movements etc.

Are adopted to keep children happy and excited. Parents are viewed by us as partners and collaborators and are engaged with the school in the enrichment and skill development programme.My message to the Principals, Staff, Students and esteemed Parents of Solid Kindergarten is to dedicate this year to a correct understanding of what education really means and let us all benefit from this.

“The lighting of a fire “… As we believe that, Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”.
